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thumb 157Source : On line open course TESSA Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa

The case study in Section 2 described how a teacher educator tackled the topic of ‘the sociology of education’ using groups. First, she ensured each group became expert in one area and then she re-organised the groups so that they could share information.

You could use this approach with a group of teacher learners by giving them the opportunity to review an OER website in depth, and then share their review with others. They would all become ‘experts’ on one website, but would learn about others from their colleagues.


Activity 4.3: Reviewing OER repositories
(Allow approximately 30 minutes)

Imagine you have divided your class into groups in order to analyse five OER repositories. Each group thoroughly investigates their allocated website. They could do this by connecting their mobile phone to the college Wi-Fi. In the next session, you would re-organise the groups so that each group had one expert on each website. They could then have ten minutes to share what they have learned with their colleagues.

In your study notebook use these criteria to write down four questions that they should consider as they analyse the website you have suggested.

By structuring your teachers’ research through questions, you will ensure that they all have something useful to share.

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